Railway & Underground Station at Copenhagen Airport

Highway and Railway at Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup, between 1996-1998. This project included an underground station located at the Copenhagen Airport and tunnel on both sides of the station. Also, included was the rerouting of a number of roads in front of the airport. The Øresund Highway opened in 1997 and the railway opened in 1998.
Approx. Construction Value $170M (1997)
Project Controls and Risk Management (on-site) with development of controls procedures and tools; supervision of staff; sub consultant management; earned value management; risk management including qualitative and quantitative risk analysis; cost forecasting; cost controls and the monthly progress reports. Also, responsible for the software development of change management and cost control system developed in MS Access database and Excel spreadsheet. Also included is the development of links between contractors and owner project management systems.
*International projects performed by principles of the firm